
Used to indicate to the server when the user has performed and action that we want to log in the database, including startrecord, stoprecord, startstream, stopstream, startupload, stopupload. Roundware uses this mechanism to log all client/server interactions - anonymously - in order to analyze usage patterns and better understand how participants are experiencing the system.

All parameter data is simply passed through to the corresponding fields in the event object.

In addition to log_event calls, events can be logged directly by the server as a result of another action.

Example Call:


Parameters (some optional*):

  • session_id
  • event_type
  • latitude*
  • longitude*
  • client_time
  • tags*
  • data*


Events are grouped by session_id in order to report and analyze data on a session-by-session basis.


Records what type of action/event has occurred. This is an unrestricted field, but the pirmary ones are: start_record, stop_record, start_stream, stop_stream, start_upload, stop_upload, client_error, cleanup_session, heartbeat, modify_stream, start_session.


OPTIONAL: helpful in particular for plotting Session Maps


OPTIONAL: helpful in particular for plotting Session Maps


OPTIONAL: Useful to track differnces between client time and server time as indicated with timestamp


OPTIONAL: helpful in tandem with modifystream eventtypes for logging which tags users are most interested in hearing


OPTIONAL: Used to store any extranneous data provided by the client or server pertaining to a particular event. The most common use is to contain an error message for events of event_type=client_error.


JSON response is success boolean, indicating that the event was properly logged in the database

Example Response

{"success": true}