
DEFINITION: A geo-located object that continuously broadcasts audio within a specified area.

Every project - even if geo_listen is not enabled - must have at least one active speaker in order to generate audio streams. If geo_listen=N, the latitude, longitude and radius of the speaker are ignored, but if geo_listen=Y, then the latitude, longitude and radius determine where in the physical world the audio associated with the speaker can be heard.


Parameter Format/Units Definition Notes
Project picklist which project is Speaker associated with
Activeyn boolean active/inactive
Code string short code to remember which speaker is which particularly useful in projects with lots of speakers
Latitude/Longitude float central point of speaker range
Maxdistance integer/meters distance from speaker center point at which volume is attenuated to Minvolume generally speaking, volume attenuates as listeners get further and further from the center point of the speaker, though there is no reason this needs to always hold true
Mindistance integer/meters distance from speaker center point at which volume begins to attenuate from Maxvolume towards Minvolume all points closer to the center of the speaker range than Mindistance will have volume Maxvolume
Maxvolume float highest volume level, typically at the center of a speaker’s range 1.0 means no attenuation from original volume of source material
Minvolume float lowest volume level; in effect at all distances greater than Maxdistance
Uri string/url format mountpoint of audio to be played in association with speaker
Backupuri string/url format mountpoint of audio to be played in association with speaker if primary Uri is not accessible for any reason useful when primary uri is a live generated stream which has a higher failure rate